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Can someone teach these lessons directly after learning them?

During a Q&A yesterday a missions pastor asked me this question. I will say a few things from my experience:

  1. We should give attention to the different spiritual giftings and natural skills that God have a person. Some people are gifted teachers. They love the information and they love to see other people getting it. They prepare and are energized to do it. Other people may bring 10 friends to come to the teacher to learn but would shrink at the idea of teaching. I think some will be able to turn around and teach this but not all.
  2. We should also give attention to the spiritual maturity of person. These lessons may take 3-4 months to teach. A new believer will benefit greatly in understanding scripture and seeing Christ in all of prophecy. However, they still may need time in their lives to fight sin and get victory in key areas. I like to see a person both living and knowing the message before asking them to teach it to others.
  3. We should encourage everyone to teach others also. We should mention it regularly. Many will feel inadequate but will just need encouragement.

Finally, when you teach this to an unbeliever it is a great idea to take a younger believer than you along. Somewhere around lesson 4 you can ask him or her to teach with you. Then toward the end have him or her teach the lesson alone and you can observe. You are training new disciple makers that way following these four famous steps:

  1. I do / You watch
  2. We do
  3. You do/ I watch
  4. You do

What do you think? Have you had some experience with this that you could add to this discussion?

I think these are all good considerations for sure. We're all called to share our faith but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone should be focused on teaching. We're a body and have different roles.

Thanks Jeff! I didn't mention that but great observation. Some plant and some water. Some offer hospitality and some offer preaching while some administration. It all builds up the body until the return of Christ.

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