Vigorously Applying Romans 13 AND Acts 13

Abelhamid Abaaoud, the man they are calling the mastermind of the Paris terrorist attacks, was a citizen of Belgium of Moroccan origin from the Sous Berbers of Agadir, Morocco. He was killed just a couple of days ago by either a suicide vest or French police during a raid on a flat where he was hiding.
Ahmad Dahmani, another Moroccan who was born and raised in Belgium, was just arrested in Antalya, Turkey suspected of participating in the planning of the Paris attacks.
Salah Abdelslam, another Moroccan from Belgium escaped after the dropping the attackers off at the Bataclan theatre. He is the only known attacker still on the run.
I have received a lot of questions about these events so let me try to answer them here:
Isn’t Islam a religion of peace? 
I got this question from my British travel companion on the plane just a couple of days ago. The word Islam is often misconstrued to come from the Arabic word “salam” (peace). However, it actually comes from the Arabic word “selem” (surrendered). A Muslim is someone surrendered to Allah. The god of Islam requires violent Jihad of those surrendered to him. If you do not fight in the Jihad then you are considered un-surrendered to Allah meaning you are a Murtad (one who has denied his religion). You can read all of this in Surah #9 of the Koran called Atawba.
Why are certain Muslims violent while the majority seem quite peaceful? 
I sat at my son’s soccer practice with a local team last week talking to Mustafa, the dad of another player. He explained to me his great sadness at the terror attacks. He said he was embarrassed and disappointed that these men had hijacked Islam and were ruining it. I questioned this assumption as an outsider.
“Well, Mustafa,” I asked innocently, “ when I arrived in North Africa years ago I was encouraged by the Muslims to read the Koran. They were sure I would want to be a Muslim. So I did. When I read it I arrived to verses that say, ‘Kill those who do not believe in Allah or in his prophet and who do not forbid that which God forbids (pork, the Trinity, etc).’ It seems to me that these men are really following the Koran in its most literal and historic context, right?”
Mustafa laughed and said, “Well you know the Koran better than me. I just know that Islam is a religion of peace and love and that the prophet Mohammed lived at peace with his Jewish neighbors.”
Mustafa’s case is very common among Muslims around the world. He lives by his own God-given (though marred by the fall) conscience. He ascribes what he naturally knows to be right and wrong to Islam and the Koran without ever reading it. He has been raised in a moderate Islamic society that propagates false stories about how peaceful Mohammed was.
Ninety-nine percent of Muslims are peaceful because they are operating with their human conscience not according to the strict commands of their book and prophet. The peacefulness of the majority of Muslims springs from their humanity not their religion. This reminds us of the humanity of us all. They are not “Muslims”. They are humans, sons of Adam once created in the likeness of God raised in a false religion. In religious wars it is easy to develop an “us vs. them” mentality even as a believer. They need the pity, mercy, love, and grace that God poured out upon on humans when he sent His Son into the world. They need us to preach the cross to them that the Spirit of God might revive their conscience to testify that Christ is God and that He died for them.
Should we fear Syrian refugees?
The government will decide what refugees they allow in and how they do it. As Christians, though, we can draw on this Old Testament command for God’s children today: “But the stranger that dwelt with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Lev. 19:34)
MLK Jr. wasn’t the first to realize that “hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” Jesus told us the same, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:44-45). Can your church find a way to love the refugees in your city during this critical time?
Why are European-raised Moroccan youth more radical than their counterparts in Morocco? 
Three conditions in Europe and the US can contribute to an increased risk: (1) uncontrolled religious education, (2) violent street gangs, and (3) willful denial and ignorance of Islam on the part of the authorities.
  1. Morocco has a leader of all the “believers”: their king Mohammed VI. That is, in fact, his official title. All teaching in all the mosques comes from his minister of religion each week. In the last speech by the king he reminded the people that Islam is their religion and the form of Islam they follow is Malaki Islam, an spiritual interpretation of the koran that softens or denies the obvious commands for violence. Any other interpretation of the Koran is illegal. In fact, it is much more dangerous to be a deviant teacher of Islam than to be a Christian pastor. Moroccan prisons are full of saifist Islamic promoters. In Europe, however, there is freedom of speech and thought. Islamic fundamentalist teachers are allowed to operate, teach, and motivate young men toward violence and are not considered criminals until the actual violent act occurs.
  2. European cities have a strong presence of street gangs. Moroccan youth are typically on the streets growing up in these cities and gravitate toward the easy money and power they are offered in these gangs. Islam in its original, purest form was a desert gang offering easy money, women, and power. Their gang boss was a man who claimed to be a prophet. Read the real story of Islam and Mohammed. Read about the attacks on caravans, the harem of women promised to the fighters, the heroes like Khalid Benu Walid (called the Sword of God) and Oqba Benu Nafiaa (who killed 100,000 resistors in North Africa and shipped their women east). Sailfist Islamists draw their followers from the street gangs who have a Muslim background. They offer the same things but now on a grander scale with the rise of ISIS.
  3. The European authorities are sometimes ignorant and sometimes willfully negligent concerning real Islam. They persist in saying these terrorists have no link with real Islam. Abu Bakr el Baghdadi has a doctorate in Islam! This sort of ignorance or naiveté makes them vulnerable. Modern philosophy is irrational. It likes to claim that all religions are good and beliefs don’t have consequences. Moroccan authorities, on the other hand, are not at all ignorant of Islam or its literal application. They keep an extremely close eye on these things stopping their growth before it starts.
What are Moroccan Muslims saying about this attack? 
There are two major responses among Moroccans: most are embarrassed. Men watch the news in of these attacks in cafes and then return to their checker’s games and tea with only one word being muttered in response: hashuma (shameful). They don’t like to talk about it because they know it is a reality that they have a hard time explaining. They hang their heads, mumble, and try to forget about it. Muslim countries offer very little condolences because that would be to somehow admit to their own guilt. So, instead, they try to ignore it and just say, “hashuma”.
Their are also other responses:
*Some blame these attacks on Europe because these people were raised in Europe.
*Some blame ISIS on the US government for radicalizing Iraqi Sunni’s by taking down their government and then exiting before leaving a strong security apparatus. (I explained to a local store owner last week that while the US government allowed the conditions for ISIS it did not create ISIS. ISIS is from the seed of Islam sowed into the ground of the Arab world.)
*Some blame terrorists on ignorance of real Islam by uneducated and economically oppressed youth.
*Some hope a republican will win and finish off ISIS with military force of boots on the ground.
*Some rejoice over the victory of Islam. (These are the hate filled men who are the hardest for me to love.)
What should our response be?
There must be Romans 13 response and an Acts 13 response. Romans 13 commands a governmental, military response to ISIS. Governmental powers are to carry the sword to punish the wicked. I don’t know exactly what that ought to be in this case. The executive branch has the responsibility to determine what that will be. The next president of the US will likely be left with this dilemma. The place for discussing that side of the response should be at political rallies, military offices, and the hall of congress. This is not my area of specialty though it is not biblically wrong for a Christian to be involved in this side of the response.
Acts 13 describes the church’s response to this evil. If you’ll remember that chapter describes the first intentional sending of missionaries from the multi-cultural church in Antioch, Syria. The church should respond by doing more than ever to get the message of the Gospel in front of all Muslims. Consider the following efforts:
  1. Support Arabic Bible Outreach They are sending Bibles and other supplies to churches in Europe that are reaching out to refugees with the Gospel.
  2. Contact your missionaries in Europe and see how you can help them provide relief for the refugees and the Gospel, too.
  3. Preach from your pulpits the need to send missionaries from your congregation to the Muslims.
  4. Find ways to partner with special efforts going on right now to proclaim the Gospel and plant churches among Muslims.
I will be at churches in the US for the next 6 weeks. My message will be urgent. There is an Acts 13 response that must receive our priority.
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Islamic Torture

As we consider the pain that Islam inflicts upon non-Muslims in France, Nigeria, Iraq, Indonesia, and all other places it is found, it is important to remember to have compassion on the Muslim because of the torture that they live in on a daily basis. The Apostle John wrote, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment.”
This week I learned of two new aspects of fear that Islam holds its faithful under:
I was witnessing to an attendant at a gas station named Mohammed while on a trip on Wednesday. When I gave him a Jesus film he got very animated as he told me that he used to doubt in Islam but one thing has now convinced him. “What is that?” I asked very interested. (It is not everyday that you meet a Muslim who admits that he has ever had doubt. Doubt is a sin that will send you to hell forever.)
 Cows and Grave Torture
Mohammed explained in a super loud voice that he discovered that when a man is buried that the sheep or cows being herded near the grave will run away when the hear the screams of the “grave torture”. These animals, he says, will go into a wild frenzy and flee for five kilometers before they stop. This is his proof that Islam is true.
Some background on “grave torture” that you may not be aware of: Muslims are taught that when a man is buried and the last of the mourners leaves his grave sight, two angels will visit him in his grave and ask him questions: Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your prophet? If the dead man answers: “My Lord is your Lord. My religion is Islam. My prophet is Mohammed.” Then he will be spared the worst of the torture. However all must go through this grave torture to make retribution for their sins.
The actual torture is described in the Hadith (sayings of Islam outside of the Koran). The ground may constrict squeezing the dead body. Snakes may come bite him mercilessly. Fire and all other imaginative ways of causing pain will be brought upon this physical body in the grave. The dead will then scream out. For this reason when a Muslim is passing by a grave he is supposed to give the Muslim greeting to the dead.
Mothers and Hell Fire
Mustapha attended our Thursday night Bible study. It was his first time to be in a Christian meeting which is why I was surprised when he offered up a prayer request: “Pray for my mother to forgive me. We got in a fight the morning she died.” That was all he said. I thought that was strange.
I drove Mustapha home that night and heard the rest of the story. The Hadith says that, “Paradise is under the feet of mothers.” Thus, Muslims believe that he must obtain forgiveness from his mother for the sin he committed against her in order to get into paradise. This is not the only thing he must do, of course, but it is one.
Mustapha was 25 years old and ten years removed from the day he fought with his mother. She was murdered with a knife that afternoon while he was at school when she tried to protect her sister from her abusive husband. I shared with Mustapha that Christ came to free him from fear of hell and that He is the only one who can forgive him. He received a New Testament that night and now is reading the Gospel of Matthew.
Can you imagine the torture of fearing hell every day for 10 years because of an argument you had with your mother? Can you imagine the unsettling feeling of fearing not only hell but also the pain of the unbearable pain of the grave? The only thing worse than those fears is the actual torture a man will experience who remains in his sins because he rejects the deity and cross of Christ as Islam teaches.
Preaching Christ is the only real way to compassionately deal with this torture.
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The Connection Between Preaching, Mercy, and the Glory of God

Christians have the heart of Christ and thus have (super)natural compassion. We want to be a part of showing mercy in areas where people are suffering oppression. Some areas include:

*Sex trade

*Wives of abusive husbands

*Religious oppressive practices (like Sati, the Hindu practice of burning wives on the funeral pyres of their husbands)

*Children forced into marriage


*Drug and alcohol addictions

*Street children

*Religious persecution

Mercy or justice ministries focus on the physical relief of these pains. God has used mercy ministries and we should be involved in them. However, our ministry here in North Africa is largely proclamation (of the Gospel) ministry and does not directly aim at these social needs.

This raises a few hard questions for me and you, our supporters. Are we neglecting showing mercy? Are we really just cultural imperialists who don’t love people and help them at their point of felt need? Should you redirect your giving toward a ministry that SHOWS the love of Christ? Should we redirect the efforts of our time and money to directly focus on these social injustices?

I hope to show you from our experience here and the Word that God has designed proclamation ministry to result in a kind of mercy ministry that is more indigenous and eternal in its impact. 


Our proclamation ministry has led to a mercy ministry just this week in the following way:

*Religious oppressive practices. My friend Sayid attended his nephew’s son’s funeral last Sunday. The boy was 13 years old. He died because his dad took him to the Islamic doctor (also called a Faqih) for healing when he got a fever last week. These traditional doctors are believed in by the people because their prophet Mohammed believed in them. They write a Koranic verse on a piece of paper and soak it in water mixed with ashes. The sick are then supposed to drink this water for magic healing. They take the same paper and burn it under the body of the sick letting the smoke rise up and magically heal. The boy followed these remedies and by the time he arrived to a real hospital he was already dead.

The Muslim at this point cannot blame the faqih without abandoning his whole belief system. Instead the family is comforted by repeating the word “maktoob” (it is written). This means that Allah had written this fateful event to happen from the beginning of time and there is no fault of man. The next generation will thus continue to live in the same darkness…except Pastor Sayid and his children.

*Child marriage- Farah’s 90 year old grandmother is dying very soon. The whole family is gathering. This old lady has been married since she was 9 years old. The marriage was consummated when she was 11. She has lived her whole life in Islam and just met a Christian for the first time when her granddaughter, Farah, believed on Christ two years ago.

*Religious Persecution. I spent 30 minutes in conversation with an educated man yesterday. He had studied all of the Islamic arguments against Christianity. “Islam is a laser”, he explained to me. “All Muslims in a community have to be focused in the same direction toward Islam or the laser has lost its power. For this reason we cannot allow the same freedom of thought, expression, and religion that you do in America. Islam has no power if it is not united.”

“So, then,” I asked in response, “do you agree with the command in Islam that a mortad (person who was born a Muslim but has left Islam) should be killed?” He stammered a bit trying to think of how to lesson the blow but  bluntly admitted, “I cannot be a Muslim and deny that all murtadeen should be killed.” This man has a darkened conscience and is without hope without a miracle from God to save him.

This very week Farah was accepted into a master’s degree course called “Constitutional Law and Human Rights”. When she finishes she will be the first Christian lawyer in this country. On top of that God has seen fit to make her a human right’s lawyer with a bonafide knowledge of this countries constitution! She heard the Gospel from us for the first time 3 years ago when she believed.

*Hunger and Abusive Spouses. My wife has been witnessing to Suad, our occasional housekeeper, with great responsiveness. She reads the Bible at her own home and is trying to put love and giving into practice before she has even believed. She told my wife this week that her husband is drunk all time and she has threatened to leave him with their diabetic son. He doesn’t work or care for his family. We delivered groceries and medicine for her family and extended family.

*Sex trade and drug addictions. Last night I studied lesson one of the discipleship material with Isam who had previously been addicted to huffing glue. During the lesson he admitted to me that fornication would be the hardest sin for him to break free from. He has been regularly paying $2 for a prostitute since he was 16 years old. He is the second believer to admit to me that beastiality is a very common part of the experience of young men in the Muslim world.

Young Muslim men grow up with the fulfillment of the sexual desires being ultimate and inevitable. They believe that God has made them with the desire that they must fulfill whether they find an animal or pay pennies. If a man’s wife doesn’t oblige he should hit her until she does. If she cannot oblige or does not fully satisfy him he may marry up to four women (a small number compared to their prophet).

He is only one out of a number of other believing men here that have left the practice of enslaving women for their bodies. There is one less abuser of women on the streets. Instead he desires to marry a Christian woman and love her alone.

Indigenous and Eternal

It is indigenous when Christ changes the heart of someone here. Mercy is being shown through these native believers to their families and communities.

It is eternal when the Gospel penetrates the heart. We could provide relief for a short period of time by showing mercy but we can provide relief for a lifetime and for eternity by preaching the Gospel. The drunk will drink no more. The abuser will abuse no more. The murderer will kill no more. The slave to sin will be released. The lost will be found.

I think, however, about the other 40 million in this country or the 1 billion in the Muslim world who have no believing family members or Gospel preacher. There are still so many without a prophet.

Theologically Rooted in the Word

Consider why Christ came:

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; Because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound. 

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.Isaiah 61:1-3

Preaching in this passage is mentioned with the following words: preach, bind up, proclaim, and comfort. By preaching I don’t only mean that act of heralding the Word from a pulpit though I do mean at least that. Preaching is much more than that. It is boldly informing uninformed people about the most important information: Jesus the Light of the World has come to free them.

My wife did that this week when she sat at our kitchen table with Suad and opened her mouth and the Bible to tell her about Christ.

Sayid did that when he spoke about Christ to his family at the funeral.

Fatima did that when she told her mom just last week for the first time that she has believed the injeel (Gospel).

I was doing that when I sat with my friend at a cafe and showed him what it means to walk holy for God is holy.

You did it this week if you shared the message of the Gospel of Christ in any way with someone who has not believed on Him.

This is why it is so important to send missionaries. This is why it is so important to train pastors and Sunday School teachers. This is why it is so important that we support more and more evangelistic efforts like the Radio Nour el Maghreb that has reached over 110k people with the news of Christ since last year. This is why it is so important to disciple new believers to shine in the darkness of their lost families and friends.

Preaching equals mercy equals the Glory of God.

Preaching the Gospel is merciful. The result is the glory of God in a darkened world.

I have a friend who says if he had a billion dollars to give to missions he would give it all to church planting. I agree.

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