Lung Update

First, I want to ask you to pray for my friend Jake in China whose wife underwent surgery yesterday.

I wanted to praise our God by reporting two great blessings in 2009:

1. My surgeon in Cincy told us in Oct. 2008 that I would need to have a procedure to widen my bronchial tube every three months for the rest of my life. We decided to go back to North Africa anyway. Now it has been 1 year and 3 months and I haven’t needed the procedure. Praise God.

2. I’ve had 5 bronchoscopies since the surgery in May 2008. Three in the US and two in Europe. I haven’t been charged a dime for any of them. I don’t know how to explain that except to say praise be to God.

Pray, then, on Friday as I have a procedure to widen my bronchial tube. Our prayer is that the doctor will find the bronchial tube as wide open as she saw it last time she checked it.

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